InVision.GG - Official Launch Announcement

As Teamspeak has already put it, we have finally "survived the great toilet paper crisis of 2020" and can only hope that this year will be less wild than the last one. 2020 was clearly not easy for many of us and will certainly have a lasting impact on our every day lives.
As already described in the Christmas sale article, InVision's first few months were not that easy and your valuable feedback was a significant contribution to our development. We hope that our customers will continue to place their trust in us. Good service is characterized by the fact that customer expectations are met and excellent service by exceeding expectations. That's what we're trying to achieve.
We have reached nearly 600 members in about 5 months and hope to at least double that number over the next year! We can't thank you enough for your support and we really look forward to the year 2021 with you! Although our plan for 2021 is to keep growing and to release HvH features, we won't be able to do it entirely on our own. We definitely still need your help, so keep recommending us to new people and tell us what you don't like about InVision and how we can improve!
Stay safe and healthy!
Best regards