Bitcoin and Ethereum payments now available in the shop!

  • As of today we accept automated Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) payments in the shop!

    Many users have asked for this and we hope to have made them happy with this addition to our payment options :)

    Please Note:

    • When paying with cryptocurrencies, there may be delays in verifying the payment.
      Usually this takes no more than half an hour.
    • If something does not work properly, please inform us immediately so that we can fix the problem as soon as possible.

    ~ Trickster

  • We are once again accepting automatic payments with cryptocurrencies and therefore I am closing this thread.

    See: Purchase with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more!

    Bad news.

    Unfortunately, after only two weeks, we have to disable automatic payment processing with cryptocurrencies. Even if we as a cheat provider do not violate applicable law and are only operating in a so called "gray area", the payment service processor has ended our cooperation with immediate effect. This means that we can no longer directly accept payments with cryptocurrencies.

    If you want to use Bitcoin or Ethereum to buy a subscription, please read the starting post in Purchase with Bitcoin/Ethereum and start a conversation with me as I will handle this manually from now on.

    We are really sorry about that, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it.


    ~ Trickster

  • Trickster March 31, 2021 at 6:04 PM

    Closed the thread.

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