Ist ein "Kleiner-Finger-Schwur" rechtlich bindend?

  • Hey an alle, KannaWave

    Ich brauche die Meinung von ein paar Leuten.

    Es geht darum, ob ihr findet, dass ein sogenannter "Kleiner-Finger-Schwur" rechtlich wirksam ist. Ich bedanke mich im Voraus schonmal für alle antworten.

    Habe die Option eine Abstimmung zu machen nicht gefunden. Falls das hier möglich ist, wäre es lieb wenn ein Staffmember vielleicht eine hinzufügen könnte oder mir erklärt wie ich eine hinzufüge.

    Schönes Wochenende und Liebe Grüße,



    Hey to everyone, KannaWave

    I need the opinion of a few people.

    Do you think a pinky swear is a serious thing? Like can it be used as an evidence at a court for example. Thank you in advance for the answers.

    i did not found an option to start a poll. It would be kind if a staff member can add one or tell me how I can add one.

    Have a nice weekend and Best Regards,


  • It should now be possible for users to add polls to their threads in the Off-Topic section only.

    However, your question can only be answered according to the law and not with the personal opinion of others. In germany, there is a so called "oral contract" ("mündlicher Vertrag"), which in the most cases, is valid in court as long as there is at least one witness.

    :point_right: Trickster

    :invision: InVision Founder

  • It should now be possible for users to add polls to their threads in the Off-Topic section only.

    However, your question can only be answered according to the law and not with the personal opinion of others. In germany, there is a so called "oral contract" ("mündlicher Vertrag"), which in the most cases, is valid in court as long as there is at least one witness.

    Ty for the answer, sir :3

    And also thanks for giving us the option to add polls to threads.

    Best Regards,


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