Introducing our Counter-Strike 2 Cheat!

  • A friendly reminder that the special offer and beta phase for our CS2 cheat ends in exactly one week (on 14.11). The price will then be raised to 9.99 €.

    We are confident that our Counter-Strike 2 cheat now has many features that justify asking for the full price (which is lower than it was for CS:GO). We will of course continue to work on the cheat and optimize it further. Remember that you can influence the development to a certain extent and we are happy to implement features that you want and that we consider useful.

    :point_right: Trickster

    :invision: InVision Founder

  • After one month of testing, our CS2 cheat is now available for the full price of 9.99 €.

    As before, a 7-day trial version is now also available for purchase at a reduced price.

    EUR 9.99

    EUR 5.50

    :point_right: Trickster

    :invision: InVision Founder

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