How did you hear about InVision?

  • How did you discover our website? 26

    1. Search Engine (Google, Bing, etc.) (17) 65%
    2. Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) (1) 4%
    3. YouTube (Excluding Affiliates) (2) 8%
    4. Referral (Friends & Affiliates) (1) 4%
    5. Another Forum/Website (0) 0%
    6. Advertisement (1) 4%
    7. Other (Please specify in a reply) (4) 15%

    Hello everyone!

    I would like to try to collect important data that can be used to make future decisions about promoting InVision on other platforms and also out of my own curiosity. HACKERMANS

    With the continued expansion of the GDPR in Europe and adapting browsers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain accurate data on the origin of new members and although statistical analysis is generally available, it does not necessarily say anything about how an individual person found out about our website.

    For this reason, I'm simply going to ask the question here, combined with a little survey, about what personally brought you to us. I would like to at least ask you to answer this survey, but a detailed answer would be even better! I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to answer the survey and add additional information in a reply to this thread.

    The survey is not limited in time. If you discovered it later or just recently became a member, please answer it as well!

    Note: I will remove (delete or move) all unrelated posts from this thread.

    Limited Time: At the end of July 2022, I'm giving away a voucher worth 10€ among all participants in the survey! Users who write a detailed answer of at least 100 characters will receive an additional entry in the giveaway and double their chance of winning.

    Thank you for your feedback! :)

    ~ Trickster

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