Backend servers affected by major network outage

  • Our backend servers are currently affected by a major network outage on a network point. We tried to migrate the servers to different datacenters without success.

    You might see slow injection and loading times. Your injection could also timeout which means you have to reinject. The providers of our servers are already aware of the issue and working on a solution.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope this problem will be resolved shortly

  • ToKKaN August 31, 2020 at 11:46 PM

    Closed the thread.
  • We have migrated our backend servers to a different server/data center and think that fixed the problem. We had no problems during testing, but if you have any, please contact the support. The cheat should now work as usual without any connection issues in form of disconnects and slow or failing injections.

    ~ Trickster

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