All changes made to our Counter-Strike 2 cheat will be posted in this thread.

Counter-Strike 2
October 14, 2023 at 5:10 PM Approved the thread. -
- Initial Release
- Basic ESP, Aimbot and Triggerbot features
- [Aimbot] Added Weapongroup and Weaponsettings
- [Triggerbot] Added Weapongroup and Weaponsettings
- [On Screen] Added "Draw FOV" option (with color options)
- [On Screen] Added "Crosshair" option (with color options)
- [Player ESP] Added "Show only visible" option
- [Player ESP] Added "Weapon" and "Weaponammo" option
- [Player ESP] Added "Armorbar" and "Armornumber" option
- [General] Minor Bugfixes
- [Visuals] Fixed "Active" Toggle not deactivating Visuals
- [Player ESP] Fixed cheat crashing when enabling "Weapon" option
- [Triggerbot] Removed the weaponsettings and weapongroupsettings toggle, turning on weaponsettings for aimbot also turns on weaponsettings for triggerbot
- [Aimbot] Fixed turning off weaponsettings not working as intented
- [Aimbot] Added "Bone" option
- [Aimbot] Added "Recoil X" and "Recoil Y" option to configure the amount of recoil compensation the aimbot should do on each axis
- [General] Updated to support the latest version of the game
- [General] Updated to support the latest version of the game
- [General] Updated to support the latest version of the game
Busy week for me, more features will be added at start of next week.
- [On Screen Visuals] Fixed "Show FOV" not being centered in some cases (context)
- [On Screen Visuals] Fixed "Show Overwrites Window" not working
- [Hotkeys] Mouse keys should be as responsive as Keyboard keys now (context)
- [Hotkeys] Fixed overwrites not resetting if the hotkey option was deleted in the menu while the overwrite is active
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