All changes made to our Loader will be posted in this thread.

- Added support for injection into CSGO Trusted Launch More info about this can be found on the official CSGO Blog
- Made Inject button more responsive
- Added update dialog to clarify when you have to wait for a loader update
- [Loader] Security improvements
- [Middleman] Security improvements
- [Loader] Backend improvements
- [Middleman] Backend improvements
- [Loader] Connection to backend improved
- [Middleman] Connection to backend improved
- [Loader] Migrated backend to a more powerful server to have some more overhead for the future
- [Middleman] Migrated backend to a more powerful server to have some more overhead for the future
If you can not connect to the server try restarting your pc. If this does not help open cmd.exe as Administrator and run the following command:
- ipconfig /flushdns
- [Loader] Backend improvements
- [Middleman] Backend improvements
We are currently investigating an Hardware issues with our server provider. We will bring back the servers ASAP
Edit: Servers are online again but our provider is still investigating. They might go down for some minutes later today.
Edit2: We are migrating to a backup server to prevent issues while the problem is beeing resolved by our provider
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