Anybody getting VAC Live cooldowns?

  • h2opyroboy March 22, 2025 at 9:15 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Anybody getting VAC Live cooldowns still?” to “Anybody getting VAC Live cooldowns?”.
  • Thanks for the replies yeah I think Vac is turning up the vac live and reports are playing a heavier role? I had no problems for over 3 months then all of a sudden got two cooldowns so they changed something.

    The cheat is great, i doubt that it is the reason but wanted to have a little more reassurance before i inject again. Don't want a 30day Cooldown lol

  • Thanks for the replies yeah I think Vac is turning up the vac live and reports are playing a heavier role? I had no problems for over 3 months then all of a sudden got two cooldowns so they changed something.

    The cheat is great, i doubt that it is the reason but wanted to have a little more reassurance before i inject again. Don't want a 30day Cooldown lol

    Yeah sadly there is not really any information about it. We only had a 4 reports about a VAC Live Cooldown. However as already said, this can also be caused by your premates which makes it even harder to give a real estimation. But I think our cheat is not causing those Cooldowns, unless you get a lot of reports if you are to blatant.

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