Pre-release Notes for 5/13/2020

  • A new build (“texture_streaming_beta”) is now available in the CS:GO beta depot. This build is compatible with public matchmaking.

    For instructions on how to opt into a CS:GO beta depot build, visit the following page:

    Texture Compositor
    – Optimized texture generation by giving composite textures destined for models that are already rendering higher priority in the generation queue.
    – Added a trailing cache of composite inputs, designed to optimize composite generation for sequences of similar jobs.
    – More asynchronous texture requests are allowed per cycle, allowing composites to generate faster on some systems.

    Texture Streaming
    – Added an experimental graphics setting; ‘Texture Streaming’ in video options. Texture streaming allows the game to defer loading of high-resolution textures until they are needed for rendering, potentially saving a significant amount of video memory. On systems with slower disk access, streaming textures may be momentarily visible.


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