• Hi there,

    i think it would be great if we could support the InVision team with voluntary donations.

    The money could be used for various things, possibly to improve the site or to enable a party for the team.

    Many providers offer the opportunity to donate, so why not InVision?

    Best regards,


  • Do you mean by Donations, support InVision in general or the Moderators for example? Since we are a legal business we can not simply accept money and share it with the Moderators.

    You can support us by buying coupons in the shop. If you want to support our Moderators you would need to talk with everyone separate and ask them if they are interested.

    If you meant like a money pool for all the staff members you can donate to that sadly not possible because we would be required to pay taxes on the money and can not simply split it with all the staff members.

  • As ToKKaN already said, as a German company we have to pay tax on all income, including donations. Offering an additional (unnecessary) forum rank would have the same result as supporting us with the purchase, renewal and extension of a cheat subscription. We cannot easily separate donations from other income.

    If people want to support us more than just by buying our products, which is the greatest support we can look forward to, they are welcome to extend their cheat subscription further or buy coupons for other people instead :)

    ~ Trickster

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