Update on the current VAC situation

  • As an update to Ongoing Ban Wave in October 2020, we would like to say a few things about the current VAC situation. We try to be as honest as possible about it and you can be sure that we will look into every ban, possibly caused by our cheat. However, only a few of our customers were banned and if we compare that to our total userbase, we can confidently say that our cheat is not detected. Most of our users weren't affected by anything.

    We can only explain the bans by the fact that Valve must have flagged and banned individual users for bypassing the new trusted mode. This would also explain several incidents that have nothing to do with InVision, but also with other cheats or even legit providers such as leagues.

    A first sign of this were thousands of bans in october, caused by the anti cheat from the chinese league "5E" (comparable to FaceIt), for which Valve itself confirmed bypassing the trusted mode as the reason.

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    Now, a month later, Esportal is also publishing information about hundreds of bans that have been handed out to its users, including Fnatic's pro player Krimz. Esportal has already solved the problem in cooperation with Valve and all affected accounts have been unbanned, but it seems to have had the same cause as 5E had.

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    Now about InVision. The fact that our old loader also bypassed the trusted mode leads us to believe that this is exactly what caused the bans a few of our customers have received. The new loader (released a few days ago) no longer uses this bypass, which is why we think that it won't lead to further bans. We have been observing the whole situation for a long time, but since the focus is now on our new loader and we just want to determine whether the problem still persists, we can no longer include users or accounts on which the old loader was used in our investigation. The reason for this is that we cannot say with certainty what ultimately caused the ban and since we have tested the loader extensively and with different Steam accounts, we assume that the problem no longer exists.

    As can be seen in other popular cheat forums, the current situation is causing a lot of confusion and nobody really knows what's going on. Presumably, this is exactly what Valve is aiming for. As always, we can only point out that anyone who cheats always bears the risk of being caught and for this reason, no matter which cheat, it should not be used on valuable accounts.

    Stay safe and healthy and have a nice December.

    :invision: The InVision Staff-Team

    ~ Trickster

  • Today i got kicked out of an running game for first time without beeing banned.

    As you can see here:


    Don't know if this is useful.

    This usually happens with high FOV (as ToKKaN mentioned) or with (legit) AntiAim enabled. Happens with every cheat.
    To fix this issue check your game files and try again.
    To avoid this, dont use "high" FOV and/or AntiAim.

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